Mountain Woman Adventure


The Intention: This SPARC course was meant to be a fun time in the natural world to realize ourselves as God’s perfect creations…well, it only exceeded those expectations. Our journey to the Arkansas Ozarks was a trek that proved inner strength and beauty beyond our original plan—which is how God usually works. Each day started with our community breakfast, followed by “quiet time” where we found solitude in the Word and our required book for the course, God Loves Ugly. Then we would head out for that days’ particular outdoor excursion, return home for dinner (made by the girls), then partake in delightful and deep fireside devotions and prayer.


The Details: The first day (not including the travel day) was 7 miles of climbing on rocks, traversing trails, following rivers and discovering caves. Day two was a rafting adventure on the Buffalo River that forced our groups into using communication skills and sheer muscle we didn’t know we had. Hours later, worn out and hungry we pulled onto the rocky bank not knowing that at the end of our next hike there would be a hemmed-in waterfall streaming in all of its glory. God’s creations have a way of waking up our senses and reminding us of His beauty; and that waterfall certainly did its job. For a lot of us, that waterfall moment was intense and became the highlight of our trip. Our final outdoor adventure consisted of hours above the tree canopy zip-lining and making each other laugh…pure medicine.


The Discovery: We experienced raw adventure in miles of hiking, rafting and zip-lining. We served one another through the preparation of meals, lending a hand on rugged terrain, and helping prepare nighttime devotions. We had breakthroughs and bonds created through hours of fireside discussion in a mountain valley log-cabin. Most importantly and treasured above all, we discovered freedom and transformation that can only be found in Jesus.


Here’s to next year’s Mountain Women voyage! We’re in—are you?


Mrs. Brooks and Mrs. Aycock






