Our alumni have students at the Lower School
From the desk of Ginger Bell, Director of Family and Alumni Relations:
It is said that repeat business is a sign of a successful endeavor. Under no obligation, people return to the place where they receive value for their investment. I know that is true for me. That’s why I love to see the children of our alumni attending Brook Hill. Years after they graduate, and even though they didn’t have the opportunity to attend a Lower School at Brook Hill, they trust we will “train up” their children well.
We currently have six students enrolled in our Lower School whose parents graduated from Brook Hill! Three of them are children of alumni from our first graduating class. Graham Bouwer in PK is the son of Wentzel and Ashley Bouwer. Ashley also works in our Academic Office. Jack and Sawyer Weaver, 4th and K respectively, belong to Ashleigh Hipke Weaver. Emmalynn Lott in PK, is the daughter of Brandon Lott from our second graduating class. Amanda Beall Bray graduated the next year, and her son Creed Bray is in Kindergarten. And Jayden Hanks, first grade, is the son of Collin Hanks, ’09. I know we have others who have reached out to our Admissions Office for information about bringing their babies to us, too. Such affirmation we are doing what God designed us to do!