Values of a Christian school in Tyler

At The Brook Hill School we are impacting culture through comprehensive, quality, Christ-centered, college preparatory education.





The Brook Hill School provides excellence in college preparatory education, affirms the gifts and challenges the potential of each student, and encourages students to honor God through Christ-like character.


The Brook Hill School is committed to training students to be confident in both their faith and their education. A Brook Hill education prepares them to read insightfully, think critically, solve problems logically, and communicate effectively within the framework of a Biblical worldview. Brook Hill students are encouraged to discuss ideas with genuine intellectual inquiry and Christian charity. A Brook Hill foundation equips them to make good decisions, grounded in the faith; to face the challenges of the real world, without being sheltered from them; and to impact others for God’s glory.


We believe in …

  • The Pursuit of Academic Excellence
  • Providing Comprehensive Curricular, Co-curricular & Extra-curricular Programs
  • Spiritual and Character Formation
  • A Biblical Worldview

Academic Excellence

  • Core curriculum drawn from classical Christian liberal arts & sciences tradition which emphasizes reading, writing, speaking and reasoning skills at every level- with minimal specialization
  • Comprehensive, challenging, college preparatory academic program providing coursework necessary for acceptance into competitive colleges and universities
  • Balanced scholarship – rigorous and engaging, utilizing best instructional practices (age- appropriate, multi-modal and brain-researched strategies)
  • Class sizes small enough to provide individualized attention

Comprehensive Programs

  • Committed to strong academic, visual and performing arts, and athletic programs at all levels
  • Encouraged to explore gifts, realize potential, and discover their unique purpose in life
  • Challenged academically, athletically, artistically, and spiritually
  • Provided opportunities for leadership and gifts development through comprehensive co-curricular and extra-curricular student programs at all levels

Spiritual/Character Formation

  • Provide a safe and nurturing, grace-filled, Christian environment
  • Provide an atmosphere of mutual respect
  • Encourage the development of authentic spiritual disciplines/maturity through Bible curriculum, Chapel, and community service
  • Train the whole student to think, act, and serve with Christ-like character
  • Administer discipline in grace and love
  • Motivate students to serve their community, nation, world

Biblical Worldview

  • Embrace a non-denominational, conservative, evangelical, Christian tradition believing:
    • Fear of God is foundational
    • Triune God
    • Authority of Scripture
    • All Truth is God’s Truth
    • Man is created in the image of God
    • Marriage is sanctioned by God, which joins one man and one woman in a single, exclusive, covenant relationship, as delineated in Scripture and that God intends sexual intimacy to only occur between a man and a woman who are married to each other (Gen. 2:24, Mal. 2:14, Matt. 19:4, Hebrews 13:4; Mark 10:6-9)
    • Purpose of life is to glorify God
    • Creator God/Redeemer God/Personal God
    • Sinner by nature/Saved by Grace
  • Partner with parents as an extension of the home
  • Employ a Christian faculty that is intellectually competent and spiritually alive
  • Integrate faith and learning in all programs
  • Integrate Biblical principles and practices in all functions of the organization, both educational and non- educational


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