Another Self-Defense class is coming
Due to the overwhelming interest in our first self-defense class last month, we are excited to announce that we’ve added another class date! It is scheduled for Wednesday, February 28 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. for girls in grades 9th-12th in the dance room located upstairs in Kyle Lake. The cost is $20 per person.
We usually do not schedule after school events on Wednesdays due to church activities however, the school calendar is full this time of year for our students with various athletic and extracurricular events. We want to try to accommodate the calendar as well as make this important life skill available to our students. This class is available to our Brook Hill upper school female students, their mothers, as well as any staff members who are interested in the self-defense class.
Please RSVP by sending cash or a check made out to CDSS (Christian Defense and Safety Solutions) in the amount of $20 per participant to Mrs. Adkins, Coach Brasher’s assistant in the Upper School office. Our space is limited to 30 participants and the instructor is booked, so this is a non-refundable, first paid, first served basis.