Beauty from the Inside Out

This SPARC group focused on finding our identity in Christ instead of what the world says we should do or how we should look. Each day had a different focus. Monday’s was poise, fashion, make-up, hair, etc…Guest speaker, Doug Conn, has spent his career in the modeling and pageant business, training young girls to be their best. In the afternoon the girls went to Plato’s Closet to learn how to shop on a budget and still dress fashionably. Tuesday was all about exercise and fitness. After a morning session about proper nutrition and the do’s and don’ts of diets, the class participated in a Zumba dance class and then made homemade fruit smoothies.  Wednesday’s focus was on dating and relationships. We spent the morning with guest speaker, Pat Socia. Mrs. Socia has travelled the country for many years speaking to young people about setting boundaries, and respecting and taking care of themselves based on the principles laid out in Scripture.  In the after, several Brook Hill moms who have sons participated in a round-table forum about expectations for dating and relationships.  On Thursday we learned about etiquette, writing thank-you notes, setting a proper table and in the afternoon we discussed internet safety and etiquette.  Friday was a wrap-up day complete with a fashion show of the clothes they bought on Monday, followed by lunch at The Potpourri House in Tyler.

The students took away so many ideas and new thoughts.  Some of the main ideas they learned were: cultivate your inner beauty (confidence, strength, health, etc….) and that will radiate beauty on the outside.  One of the key points of the week was that the media and pop culture try to define what beauty is, but they usually get it wrong or even present a false beauty (air brushed photos, photo shopped models). We learned that having a healthy perception of ourselves exudes confidence, and that’s attractive to everyone! One of our girls said, “I have never thought about my inner beauty before. This is life changing!”

It was a joy to see girls who do not usually hang together getting along so well and enjoying each other. There were so many honest discussions.  Zumba was a blast! And Mrs. Socia made an impact on the girls that was quite unexpected. Her honesty and candor about taking care of themselves in relationships really could change their lives.

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