Boarding Buddies


From the desk of Shawn Rhoads, Director of Residential Life:

In light of recent events there has been a surge of interest in how families can be involved in the lives of our boarding students. Many life changing relationships have developed between Brook Hill families and resident students. No doubt you have seen the emails from my desk requesting host homes for the different breaks and holidays. But not everyone can make that level of commitment, which I totally understand. Please know that you can be a Boarding Buddy without adding a spare bedroom onto your house.

Here are some ways you can get involved with our students:

1) come have dinner with us one night. We eat at 6:00 each evening in the Commons.

2) Join us for an outing. The monthly activity calendar is posted online. Just contact me ahead of time and let me know which event you are interested in.

3) Send a card or a birthday care package. I have a list of all the kids’ birthdays.

4) Pray for these kids and send them a note letting them know you did so.

5) Have them into your home for dinner or a family night. A meeting with me and completing a background check gets the ball rolling.

6) Invite them to church.

7) Take them fishing on campus.

8) Come and kick the soccer ball around.

There are so many ways to connect with this community of kids, as other families have done over the years. The blessings that result run both ways, to the student and to the Boarding Buddies. Why not take 60 seconds and email me so we can consider the possibilities together?

In closing, let me say,  these past days and weeks have been the most difficult but also the most sweet time I have experienced at Brook Hill. The response of the Brook Hill Family has been too much to take in. God has comforted and strengthened so many through your love and grace. The Res Life Staff says Thank You for your sincere expressions of kindness and concern.  I would not wish to ever go through a storm like this. But weathering it with a community like you can make even the toughest time a blessing. Only God can pull that off. Thanks for letting Him minister through you. We needed you and you were there.

God bless Brook Hill