Boy’s State
Mr. Steve Russell was on campus recently to visit with William Bunn and Cole Fitzgerald about William’s experience at Boy’s State this past summer and about Cole’s anticipated experience this summer. He explained the program to the two Brook Hill students with the highpoints listed below:
Boy’s State encompasses many important objectives. The American Legion feels the following are the most important:
- To develop civic leadership and pride in American citizenship. The American Legion hopes that each young man attending Boys State will return to his community a better citizen and display his willingness to make greater civic contributions.
- To develop a keen interest in government.
- To develop in the young citizens of Boys State a full understanding of our American traditions and belief in the United States of America. The American Legion Boys State teaches citizens the glorious traditions of this country
- To develop in the young citizens a determination to maintain our form of government
The final two objectives come from the Preamble to the Constitution of The American Legion:
- “To inculcate a sense of individual obligation to the community, state and nation . . .”
- “To safeguard and transmit to posterity the principles of justice, freedom and democracy . . .”