Dear Senior Class…Thank You for the Gift
From the desk of Rod Fletcher, Headmaster:
This past week marked the annual Brook Hill senior class trip to Taos, NM. The trip’s purpose is bonding, leadership development, spiritual growth and frankly just having a great time together as the senior class with the Upper School Principal, Director of Campus Life, Headmaster (and his wife), and Founder of the school. The trip always proves to serve its purpose and this year was no exception.
Along with adventures such as hiking, rafting, exploring, and sight-seeing we spent the week “unpacking” the Guard Charge (Live Pure, Speak True, Right Wrong, Serve Others, Follow the King) and discovering ways it applies to our lives personally and to the class of 2015 as a group. The students interacted with the Guard Charge through speaker sessions and small group times. It was incredibly encouraging to watch this mature group of young people grapple with what it means to live out the specifics of the “charge” and discover ways it can be applied to the entire class together as they lead the rest of the school.
At the end of the trip I received a gift from the Senior Class, and they did not even know they had given it to me. On the final day of the trip I received an email from someone who had observed and interacted with our students on our day of hiking (16 mile hike at 13,000 feet – yes, I am sore today!) The email made my day and confirmed what I already knew – this is a great class. You know that feeling you get when someone tells you something positive about your child? That is the feeling I had when I read the following email. Thank you Class of 2015 for allowing me to spend an incredible week with you in Taos, NM and for this wonderful gift!!
Mr. Fletcher,
My name is Mark Sullivan and I took your pictures at the Top of the peak. My wife Suzanne and I wanted to let you know what a WONDERFUL group of students you have. Given that we spent 4 hours with many of them chatting, encouraging, etc., we just can’t say enough.
Your students “honor God through Christ-like Character.” Especially given the tough chore we all had today to climb the mountain!!
You, your fellow teachers on the trip, the senior class, and of course The Brook Hill School are in our prayers.
Please, if you wish, share this with the class of 2015 – they are great kids!.. And I am sure you and the staff have a ton to do with that.
Mark and Suzanne Sullivan
Buffalo, NY