Do you know?

From the desk of Sandra Fritcher, Lower School Principal:

  • Do you know that being in school every day means your child won’t miss out on learning? Try to schedule appointments and family trips outside of school hours, if possible. If your child asks to stay home “just because,” remind him or her of what they will miss, such as music, p.e., or art. Explain that he or she can be absent only if they’re sick or if there’s a family emergency.
  • Do you know that children who regularly eat meals with their families tend to do better in school and avoid risky behavior? Eating dinner together is great, but other meals count, too. If you work at night, maybe you can make time for a family breakfast. On a weekend, you can try a picnic lunch.
  • Do you know that you can help your child celebrate all the things he or she accomplishes in a school year? Let them cover a box with construction paper and label it “I did it!” Then, they can write each success (“I learned to add fractions.”) on a slip of paper and put it in the box. When they are discouraged, have them read the slips of paper, and they will be reminded of their successes.
  • Do you know that by reading more complex books, your child can learn new words, facts and ideas? They’ll also be exposed to more complicated plots and will grow as a reader. Read aloud with your child or read to your child when the book is more complicated. You both will benefit from this experience.
  • Do you know you can set your child up for success by helping him or her find a distraction-free study spot? Also, have them come up with a study routine. For example, he can reserve time each evening to review the textbook or notes in the days leading up to a test. Also, many students find it helpful to jot down a purpose each time they study. Your child might write:  “I will learn the definitions of all the boldfaced words in Chapter 7, section 1.” Encourage your child to experiment with study strategies to find what works best. He or she might close their eyes and imagine how a word is spelled or draw a grid with 9 squares to solve 3 x 3. He might find it helpful to spell or recite math facts aloud in rhythm or to a familiar tune.
  • Do you know we love your children? All the staff at the Lower School are so blessed to work each day with wonderful children and wonderful parents.