Excitement builds for 2017-18 athletic teams
From the desk of Wally Dawkins, Athletic Director:
As May 26th rolled around and summer vacation began for most everyone, the coaching staff at Brook Hill was already preparing for the challenges of the 2017-2018 sports seasons.
Twenty members of the BH staff are full-time employees of the school, which means that summer time is an additional period of time for athletic improvement. As a TAPPS member school, Brook Hill coaches are allowed to practice and work with their players and teams from the end of school until “dead week” which begins July 23rd.
Head Football Coach Scott Ryle and his staff started team practices for the Brook Hill Varsity, JV, and Middle School teams on May 31st, and travel to the TAPPS 7-on-7 Tournament this weekend in Fort Worth while Head Volleyball Coach Candise Wise and her assistants began summer league play, open gyms and camp opportunities the first week of June. Head Cheer and Drill Team Coach Tiffany Hubbard has her girls involved in summer camps and workouts as they attempt to promote school spirit at Brook Hill.
Head Boys Basketball Coach Jacob Agnew and JV Coach Kyle Ford have their teams entered in the East Texas Summer Basketball League for their athletes to begin jelling as a team long before the November season begins and new Girls Head Basketball Coach Stephanie Williams begins her new position working with the Lady Guard over the next few weeks.
Brook Hill baseball players and Head Baseball Coach Brock Lemire along with Anthony Springer and his Lady Guard softball players are participating on teams that play throughout Texas and all over the south this summer.
Soccer Coaches David Collins and Becky Knight have their players involved in camps and playing on club teams as they look for a repeat run at State Championships.
All Brook Hill athletes, male and female have the opportunity to work out with Coach Ryle and the Brook Hill coaching staff three days a week through the end of July.
At Brook Hill, the summer months offer the opportunity for student-athletes to improve mentally, physically and as a teammate between the end of May and the first of August.
To quote an old coach, “Players are like plants…. they are either growing or dying! They are never staying the same.”
With a rich tradition of not only winning…but also winning state championships…while continuing many careers at the next level, Brook Hill athletes represent their school and their community with a great sense of pride and commitment.
It all begins on August 10th, when the Brook Hill Volleyball Team helps to host the 40 team TAPPS Pre-Season Invitational Volleyball Tournament. The excitement continues on September 2nd when The Tyler Ford/Brook Hill American Warrior Bowl between Royal Imperial Collegiate from Ontario, Canada, travels south to play Brook Hill in some Texas High School Football.
This year’s football game honors the veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars. The game will be preceded by the Annual Warrior Bowl Cross Country run on the morning of the 2nd, and the Ryled Up Tailgate Party in the KLAC Parking Lot from 5-7 Saturday afternoon.
So, enjoy the summer, but just know this one thing; The Brook Hill Athletic Department, it’s coaches, players, and teams are preparing for a great 2017-2018.
And that’s another reason to be “ALL ORANGE”…All The Time!