Family Participation Drive: Success!


From the desk of Laurie Humphries, Director of Advancement:

Family Participation



When you reach for the moon and land among the stars, that’s a pretty good spot to be in.
We landed at
69.4% participation | 100+ hours | $75,004.95
Thank you to everyone who participated in giving of your time and resources.  You are truly appreciated.


And the winners are…

Lower School:

  Prekindergarten, 97%

Middle School:

  Sixth Grade Class, 85%

Upper School:

  Junior Class, 76% 


Participation Percentage by Grade Level:

Kindergarten: 84%

First: 84%

Second: 91%

Third: 82%

Fourth: 81%

Fifth: 70%

Seventh: 69%

Eighth: 71%

Ninth: 62%

Tenth: 68%

Twelfth: 61%

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