A Healthy School – A Healthy Board of Trustees



One of the trademarks of a healthy private school is a healthy Board of Trustees.


We are blessed at The Brook Hill School to have a Board that is incredibly healthy – they collaborate, problem solve, and work to promote and enhance The Brook Hill School. Together they are of one mind as they function as the “keepers” of the mission, vision, and core values of the school.

Specifically, the Board Policy Manual states:

“The Board of Trustees of The Brook Hill School has four principal responsibilities as follows:

  • The Board organizes and manages itself so as to fulfill its duties to the school.
  • The Board selects the Head of School and works cooperatively with that person.
  • The Board plans, develops and establishes policy, and assesses the performance of the school.
  • The Board is responsible for the school’s financial condition and its physical plant.”

And the Board Bylaws state,

“The Board of Trustees is charged with responsibility to establish policy for the School and has ultimate responsibility for execution of the policy established.  The Board of Trustees’ primary responsibilities are oversight of the mission of the school, the fiduciary concerns of the institution, developing broad policy for the institution, financial oversight, supporting/evaluating the Head of School, and establishing, supporting, and funding the strategic plan. Upon the recommendation of The Executive Committee, The Board of Trustees will meet to decide on appeals made concerning the decisions of the Head of School.”

I am thankful for a Board of Trustees that fully understand their role and is committed to The Brook Hill School.


The trustees of The Brook Hill School Are:

 Mr. Steve Dement, Chairman

Mrs. Ashley Crim

Dr. Glen Graves

Mr. Jared Green

Dr. Mark Jones

Mrs. Shirley Lake

Mr. Craig Langemeier

Mr. Joseph Z. Ornelas

Mr. Bryan Selden

Mrs. Lindsay Stansberry

Mr. Chase Tarrant

Mrs. Becky Wangner