Judge Jim Gunter comes to debate class to critique a mock trial
Arguments about the law were front and center in Kenna Kempton’s speech and debate classes Monday and Tuesday. Each class presented evidence in mock trials before Retired Judge Jim Gunter and Brook Hill Chemistry Teacher and Practicing Attorney Christie Gunter Adams. Each case had a plaintiff, defendant, and witnesses as well as a prosecutor and defense attorney to represent them. The cases began with opening arguments by both attorneys, then proceeded with witness testimony, cross examinations and closing arguments. Judges Gunter and Adams gave their rulings and also presented helpful critiques to the students.
Judge Gunter is from Hope, Arkansas, where he began his law career in 1973. From 1977-1982 he was a Prosecuting Attorney with the Arkansas 8th Judicial District which serves the Southwest Arkansas area. In 1999, he became a circuit judge with the 8th Judicial District North where he served until his 2004 election to the Arkansas Supreme Court. He retired at the end of his 8-year term in January 2013. He is the father of Ms. Adams and the grandfather of Brook Hill Sophomore Peyton Adams.