Middle School humanities classes are building newspapers
7th grade humanities is doing a Texas Revolutionary War project. We just finished reading a book called The Boy in the Alamo, in which the story is based during this time frame. So to bring the story to light, as well as, integrate technology, we decided to challenge the students to use their artistic side and come up with a news paper. The project is based off of them being a reporter in March of 1836, the middle of the Revolutionary War. They are to create the front page of a newspaper, so our students have to research how a paper looked like in the 1830s and take their creativeness from their to make it their own.
The purpose of this project, is to assess how much did they learn in History about the 1830’s the Revolutionary War, Alamo, etc. They are using critical thinking , technology, writing skills, etc. All assessing in a creative way what they have learned over the past month of the 1830’s.
“I am excited to see their final draft, as the rough drafts have been spectacular,” Williams said.