Mom’s Recess on Monday


From the desk of Katie Ramirez, Director of Admissions:

The Brook Hill School Mom’s Recess

Monday, April 25th at 9 am

Kiepersol Tasting Room


Brook Hill Moms: We know life is hectic and every day there are a million things on the “To Do” list. We hope you are available to consider taking a pause and enjoy a cup of coffee with fellow mommas and gather together. This will be the last mom’s recess of the year. Our hope is to rejoice and reflect on another year and look forward with anticipation on what’s next.

Come fellowship with one another, pray for each other and we are thrilled to welcome Christi Wyatt-Zimmerman to share an encouraging word with us. You will not want to miss this.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions and I look forward to seeing you all next Monday morning ([email protected])

Kiepersol Tasting Room: 4120 FM 344 East Tyler TX, 75703- this address will take you to the front of Kiepersol Estates. Turn left into Kierpersol Estates. Go 1 mile then turn left onto Syran Ln. Follow signs to the “Winery/Distillery”.