Now Boarding: Being a Hero

From the Desk of Shawn Rhoads, Director of Residential Life:

I was so proud of and impressed by some of our seniors this past Friday night. My son, Atticus, who’s 9, plays baseball at Faulkner Park. I told a couple of guys in my senior Bible class, including Ty Brown and Eddy Briggs, who is also one of my boarding prefects, about Atticus’ game and invited them to come. Not only did they attend but they also brought along another senior friend of theirs, Malik Alley. Malik even brought his megaphone to cheer on Atticus and the team. To make it even better they had all just come straight from the gym so they were pretty jacked up. They were not only a great fan club but also looked like body guards. Afterwards they spent another hour or so with our family at dinner.

Here are three stud seniors who could have been doing a hundred other really cool things with their Friday night, but instead they chose to spend it at a nine-year-old’s baseball game and have dinner with a dorky family afterwards. I’ve never seen Atticus play with such heart and enthusiasm when he saw and heard those three guys cheering him on. Eddy, Ty and Malik took a Friday night and made Atticus feel like a hero. In my book those three young men will always be heroes as well. Thanks guys. You’ve set an excellent example for the rest of us.