Please give to Brook Hill during East Texas Giving Day
East Texas Giving Day is FAST approaching, and The Brook Hill School is excited to participate in this area wide event.
What is East Texas Giving Day, you ask?
East Texas Giving Day is an 18-hour day of giving that provides critical funding for our area nonprofits. The purpose of an area-wide Giving Day is to bring the region together on one day and as one community, raising money and awareness for East Texas nonprofits. This initiative, organized by East Texas Communities Foundation (ETCF), provides citizens an easy platform to support the mission of local nonprofits that serve our many communities.
By giving a gift to The Brook Hill School through this avenue, you enable The Brook Hill School to do what it does best—provide outstanding education and teachers to students from around the world.
P.S. Plus, your gift helps us to compete for CASH prizes awarded to participating non-profit organizations, WIN, WIN FOR THE BROOK HILL SCHOOL!