Each fall we look forward to introducing our youngest Brook Hill students to the American Freedom Museum!
It’s always so much fun to see their wonder, their minds grasping something new. The museum is used by all of our students as a learning space and has been a pivotal part of our experiential education that we offer at Brook Hill. Like any good relationship to something new, this begins with an introduction!
Pre-K students boarded the bus and began their journey to the Upper School campus where the American Freedom Museum is located. Laying a solid foundation for many museum trips to come, our museum staff and teachers started by discussing museum manners and etiquette. They were introduced to the cannon on display which provided context for our school mascot, The Guard which signifies that we guard or are guardians of our faith, our family, our country, and our freedoms.
Following their introduction to the school mascot, our Pre-K kids toured the “Hall of Presidents” and learned that there have been 45 U.S. Presidents. They also toured the “Flag Room” and played an interactive game of “find something” led by our Museum Curriculum Coordinator, Robin Bynum.
The goal of this visit was two-fold. As educators, we want to seize every opportunity possible to foster a love for learning beyond the classroom walls. We want to instill a sense of wonder and teach our kids to critically think. And practically, we want our students to have a foundation for learning in places like the museum. What a fun opportunity to explore and learn in our American Freedom Museum!