Reflections on Founder’s Day
From the desk of Laurie Humphries, Director of Development:
This past Monday night The Brook Hill School held its 6th Annual Founder’s Day. We had the privilege of honoring the original Board of Trustees along with hosting Christian Recording Artist, Michael W. Smith, as he performed live in concert. The evening began with a reception for the honorees, event sponsors and their guests in Founder’s Hall and the American Freedom Museum, followed by a Q&A time with Michael W. Smith in the Bell Library. Over 700 guests were in attendance for the concert held in the Lower School’s Kymrey Gymatorium.
In the words of a Brook Hill mom, “I am still smiling from Monday night! What an incredible evening! It was powerful and so worshipful! The entire evening, I had the feeling of God’s favor hovering over Brook Hill – it felt like the body of Christ, bigger than the Brook Hill community, coming together to celebrate God’s blessing on BH and looking forward to His continued grace upon our school. I felt like it was an encouragement for Brook Hill but also an encouragement to the faith of all those in attendance. We serve a great God, and it was a special night worshiping Him.”
Honorees included Mr. Gary Adams, Mr. Jerry Atherton, Mr. Stephen Dement, Mrs. Toni Halbrooks, Ms. Jan Hommel, Dr. C.R. Hurst, Mr. Michael Johnson, Mr. Jody Lake, Mr. Ben Lauderdale, Mr. Joseph Z. Ornelas, and Dr. Paul Powell. These eleven people shared a vision for what Brook Hill could become before there were any students or facilities. The Brook Hill community will be forever grateful to these leaders for making the vision a reality.
A special thank you to our sponsors, who through their generosity, made this event possible: Dr. and Mrs. Glen Graves, Mr. and Mrs. Sherif Sharawi, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Clements, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Webb, Mr. and Mrs. John Redfern, Mr. and Mrs. David Lake and the Durrett Family.