Sebazungu Family

The Sebazungu family has lived in Tyler for over a decade. Sarah is an East Texas native and Sylvain is from Rwanda. The two met in 2004 while both were serving as nurses on the mission field at a clinic in Rwanda. Sarah also began a ministry  in Rwanda called Africa Anchor of Hope, providing school fees and supplies, accountability, discipleship and the love of Christ to vulnerable children. They have three children, Joanna (BH Middle School Student), Isabelle (BH Lower School Student), and Wilson (still at home). We are so excited to share their story with you!


What drew your family to Brook Hill?

Many years ago before moving back to East Texas, we began looking at potential options of where our kids could one day go to school. In this day and time, we feel like it is so important for our kids to be surrounded by Christian influences as they are being shaped at a young age. We know they spend so much time at school and are influenced by what they are taught there, as well as the friends they make. A Christian school was our desire and our dream, but we weren’t sure how exactly God would open those doors. We discovered Brook Hill and felt like we had found a treasure as we learned about their values and mission.

This year we took a step of faith, and we are so grateful for the doors God opened for us to be a part of the Brook Hill family. We are so blessed by the Christian teaching our kids are receiving, the mentoring from staff, and sweet friends they have made. It is wonderful to know that our children are being taught from a Biblical perspective and are coming home with scripture to memorize, as they study not only academics, but the Word.  Furthermore, we have always been impressed with the academic rigor that Brook Hill offers, and we are so thankful for the heritage of American history that the school honors, prioritizes, and teaches.

Why did your family choose Brook Hill for Joanna? After Joanna attended for a few months, why did your family decide to also bring Isabelle?

We chose to move forward with putting our oldest, Joanna, at Brook Hill because she was entering 6th grade and the world of middle school. We know middle school brings so much change and new opportunities for kids and it was important to us for her to be in a Christian environment at this age. We chose to move our 4th grade daughter, Isabelle, in the middle of the year because we saw what a positive influence the school was having on Joanna. Isabelle was excited to join the Brook Hill family and we were eager for her to benefit from all that is offered at this unique school!

What has been the best thing about your experience so far?

The best thing about our experience so far is knowing our kids are being challenged academically and spiritually, as well as being challenged to be the best Joanna and the best Isabelle they can be. We have also been impressed with the way the school has managed a difficult season of new challenges among the pandemic.

How has Brook Hill helped your children grow?

We see our kids rising to the expectations that the school has set. We see them developing interest in new things and enjoying learning in a fun, safe, and loving environment. Their confidence continues to grow as they learn and experience new things that challenge them to become all God desires for them to be.

If you could describe Brook Hill in one word, what would it be?

One word that comes to mind when we think about Brook Hill is “community”. We say this because it really does feel like a Brook Hill family. We are new and don’t know everyone yet, but we have always been made to feel important and like we are part of the Brook Hill community. We are grateful to be part of this community and look forward to many years to come of serving our kids together.

Thank you so much for sharing your story with us! We are so grateful to have your family at Brook Hill!



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