Sharing love across the generations
I have loved you with an everlasting love. I have drawn you with loving kindness. Jeremiah 31:3
Some of our Brook Hill boarding students wrote this verse and many others in the over one hundred Valentines that they handmade and delivered to residents of The Heights nursing care facility. They enjoyed wishing the residents Happy Valentines and offering them heart-shaped sugar cookies along with leaving a special valentine card in each resident’s room. Their smiles and laughter and their interaction with the residents were a blessing to both young and old.
The students enjoyed singing Christmas Carols at The Heights in December and wanted to return for Valentines Day. They are looking forward to monthly visits in the future as they develop connections and enjoy seeing the familiar faces. These students are learning that service to others is also a blessing to the one who serves. It is encouraging to see students from six different countries come together to give of their time and share their love. This is the heart of the Brook Hill Boarding Program.