The Brook Hill Fund Update



There have been times in my career as an educator and specifically a Head of School, that I have been completely blown away by the amazing things God can do, and this last December was possibly the biggest one ever!  


This school year began with so much uncertainty – not only about our world and our country, but also about how we would cover Brook Hill’s financial deficit due to COVID-19. 

As you know, Brook Hill has a unprecedented $1.8 million shortfall for the 20-21 school year as a result of necessary technology upgrades for on campus and distance learning, additional cleaning supplies and protective equipment to provide a clean environment for our community, lost revenue because of many countries limiting international travel resulting in several students having to learn from home, and additional financial aid to our families directly impacted by the pandemic.

With a need of more than double an average year, I personally didn’t know how we would reach this goal.  

But God did.


God knew that you, the Brook Hill family, would show up and give generously. So generously in fact, that we have already raised $1,525,533 of our $1.8 Million goal for The Brook Hill Fund 20-21 school year. 


I am in awe of God’s faithfulness to Brook Hill and of your love for this school!

Here is a breakdown of all the ways our community has come together and given generously this school year:

  • 2020 Founder’s Day                    $96,200
  • Fall Family Participation           $50,382
  • #GivingTuesday                            $2,410
  • Gifts of Holiday Cheer               $13,090
  • COVID19 Impact Initiative      $1,168,820
  • General Giving                              $194,631

I want to thank each of you who participated thus far for your sacrificial giving during this time. God has used you to provide for a need and your gifts are making a difference. 

We still have some work to do to reach our overall goal. Please join me in prayer as we work to raise the remaining $274,467 before June 30, 2020.  

It is evident that God has BIG plans for the students and families of The Brook Hill School – I can’t wait to see how He leads and guides us in the years ahead!