The Christ-Centered Life


From the desk of Rod Fletcher, Headmaster:

Heather and I have recently joined a few other couples to study God’s Word.  The topic we have been studying is “The Gospel-Centered Life.”  As Heather and I have tried to apply this concept to our daily lives, we have both been reminded that the gospel is not just the entry point into the Christian life but also the pathway of the Christian life.  It is something I need to live out daily, speak to myself daily, and speak to others daily.  I have been challenged to consider this the most important part of the “Speak True” aspect of our Guard Charge. This is what “speaking true” boils down to…the “Gospel Truth”!

The gospel answers two basic questions:  Who is God?  and Who am I?  The Gospel is the truth.  Through the gospel we realize who God is – holy.  Through the Gospel we realize who we are – not holy.  We are sinners separated from God.  We owe a price that we cannot pay.  But the Good News (the Gospel) is that Jesus died to pay that price for everyone who believes.

Our response to this news?  ABC – Admit our sin.  Believe in Jesus.  Confess Jesus as Lord.  And then what?  LIFE!  Life for eternity and true “life” here on Earth.  A new life.  A new name.  We are no longer defined by sin but by Christ.

Colossians 2:6 says, “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him…” or another version, “continue to walk in Him.”   “In Him” is key – by ourselves, alone, we are sinners – but “in Him” we are a new creation, free from sin’s penalty and power.  I am a Christian.  I entered the Christian life through the gospel – knowing who God is and who I am.  Now, as a Christian, I walk on the path of the gospel by continuing to “speak truth” to myself about who God is and who I am.  I need the Gospel truth in my life each day.  Daily walking in Him (in the truth) I continue to “ABC – admit, believe, and confess”.

As educators at The Brook Hill School, we want our students living a Christ-centered life.  We want them speaking the Gospel to themselves and to others on a daily basis.  Then we can truly rejoice and say with Paul, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children (students) are walking in the truth.”  3 John 1:4.