The Family Meal


From the desk of Rod Fletcher, Headmaster:

Last week I wrote about parents spending time with their children – actually it was about parents not wasting time with their children.  I hope folks were encouraged, challenged, and maybe even a bit convicted (full disclosure – I was very convicted).

This week I want to push the “convicted” envelope a bit and maybe even step into “meddling.”

If your family is like mine, you have many good intentions that often don’t come to fruition.  One of our “good intentions” is the family meal.  When our boys were little we were actually pretty good at following through with our commitment to regularly eat meals as a family.  We would connect, share “highs and lows,” and regularly spend time together around a table.  As my boys have gotten older the “family meal” has become rare.  My excuse is that we are too busy.  The truth is, we are extremely busy – but sometimes we pass on an opportunity to sit down together as a family at mealtime because we are just tired and lazy.  After reading the following article, I am reminded that sitting around the table with my family over a meal needs to be a priority – something I need to make happen if at all possible. I hope after reading it, you join me!

Family is one of the most precious gifts God has given us. I pray we would make the most of this gift rather than wasting it! Let’s find more ways to spend intentional time with our families this week (even if it isn’t a family meal) and begin a habit that will continue to deepen our relationships!