The Future is Bright
HEADlines: A Message from the Head of School, Rod Fletcher
The class of 2020 Senior Trip is in the books.
I just had the privilege of spending a week with the Brook Hill Senior Class at an adventure camp in Glorieta, New Mexico. The weather was great, the views were stunning, and the activities were engaging and fun. But that was not the highlight of the trip.
The highlight was interacting with and watching 70 Brook Hill seniors live together, play together, grow together, worship together, and serve together.
I saw young men and women encourage their classmates in times of struggle, serve their classmates in times of need, and cheer for their classmates in times of celebration. I witnessed character, integrity, strength and poise.
After a week away in the mountains I am coming back to Brook Hill encouraged – encouraged that we have a senior class that I am confident will lead the student body well, and encouraged that we will be launching a group of students out into the “real world” who are ready to live and lead well.