The Guard Charge


From the desk of Rod Fletcher, Headmaster:

In the evening, when I say goodnight to my boys, I bless them with the words, “Live Pure, Speak True, Right Wrong, Serve Others, Follow the King.”  Often I say it in a way that probably comes across to them as pleading.  Why?  Because I believe – I am convinced – that living by these words is the best way to live.  As a father, I want the best for my children.  I want them not simply to survive, but to thrive.  As one who believes that the Bible is the word of God, I also believe it is the handbook for living.  I tell my boys often that, if the designer has given us the instruction manual, it would be foolish not to follow it.

At Brook Hill we have adopted these words and called them the “Guard Charge.”  It is posted in classrooms and hallways, it is inside their locker as a magnet, and we say it together at chapel at different times during class.  Why?  Because we want out students to live well, and believe that this “Guard Charge” is the prescription.  Throughout the year we will “unpack” the meaning of the “Guard Charge” with our students at Brook Hill.  My hope and prayer is that they will be convinced that it represents right living.