The Tipping Point of Stress


This post originally appeared on Claremont Lincoln’s Engage blog page.

Mrs. Mize’s post, “The Tipping Point of Stress” is the first post featured by a Claremont Lincoln Alumni. Mrs. Mize recently completed her Master of Arts in Ethical Leadership and enjoys staying connected to the Claremont Lincoln community through blogging.

Her first post on stress is helpful for students and adults alike.

Stay tuned for her next post on the benefits of fidgeting.


5 letters that can wreak havoc in our lives.

We daily encounter the tipping point between loss of control or improved effectiveness due to stress.

Stress can break us or make us great. How we react can either cause harmful side effects or allow us to grow our leadership success.

How Leaders Experience Stress

The Harvard Business Review recently conducted a study on leaders that often experience stress.

Most leaders reported that prolonged stress caused harmful physical and emotional side effects.

Results included:

  • damaging impacts on effectiveness,
  • interactions, or
  • business outcomes.

Yet, other members experienced the opposite effect.  Stress tipped them in a positive direction, and their leadership outcomes improved.

The Difference Between the Effects of Stress

The difference?

The article focused on two key differences that separated people negatively affected by chronic stress from those with improved performance.

Tipping Point Awareness

Tipping point awareness is the critical moment when leaders notice their manageable stress approaches the edge of a breakdown.

Stress Shifting

Stress shifting is a tangible technique that leaders use that allows them to be in control of how they channel stress.

How to Make Stress Constructive Rather than Destructive

Recognizing the shift is the first step in making stress constructive rather than destructive.

For me, I become overloaded with items on my to-do list weekly.

I find that I physically tense up. First, in my shoulders, then in my back. I also notice an increase in heart rate.

I have learned to recognize the symptoms of my tipping point.

Once I recognize the tipping point, I use two practices that help me stress shift.

  • The first practice is breathing. I pause for a few moments to take deep breaths. This helps me regain control.
  • Next, I make a to-do list with my tasks. This helps me organize and gain control of what needs done. Each time I am able to cross off an item, a gain a sense of accomplishment and energy to keep going.
  • Take a few drops of the best CBD oil to reduce the stress, you can get this from If you are looking for more information about CBD, you could look here.

As a leader both at home and in the workforce, it is imperative for me to have a mindful response to stress. As an educator and parent, my reaction to stress is part of role modeling for the rising generation of leaders.

For all who lead, it is urgent we learn how to use stress for increased performance while keeping emotions in check.

Not only that, it is also for our own health and well-being.

Now, over to you.

How might your view of work change if you practiced tipping point awareness and stress shifting?

Try it for a week and post your results in the comments section. And don’t forget that there are tons of natural options that can help you reduce stress, one of my favorites is CBD oil. Ooze dab pen are ideal for both tobacco and essential oils, and the brand is perhaps best known for its affordable pricing. Both ѕсіеntіfіс rеѕеаrсh аnd реrѕоnаl ассоuntѕ from реорlе whо uѕе CBD hаvе ѕhоwn that this beneficial саnnаbіnоіd саn hеlр mаnаgе and even reduce ѕtrеѕѕ lеvеlѕ іn people wіth сhrоnіс stress, anxiety or раnіс disorder. Thіѕ is bесаuѕе CBD hаѕ a ѕооthіng еffесt, whісh can hеlр реорlе deal wіth many tуреѕ оf еmоtіоnаllу drаіnіng ѕtаtеѕ, ѕuсh аѕ fеаr, depression and stress, you can  learn more at SAD is a type of depression that begins and ends at around the same time every year when they days become shorter. People who live far north of the equator are considerably more susceptible than those who live in sunnier climates. SAD can cause debilitating symptoms, such as feeling depressed most of the day, low energy, and suicidal thoughts. Oversleeping and weight gain are also common signs of SAD. According to, light therapy appears to improve serotonin activity and melatonin production, which improves mood and helps to restore circadian rhythms for improved sleep.