We Remember

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From the desk of Jan Hommel, American Freedom Museum Director:

At 8:45 a.m. on this day in 2001, an American Airlines Boeing 767 crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center in New York City. The impact left a gaping, burning hole near the 80th floor of the 110 – story skyscraper, instantly killing hundreds of people and trapping hundreds more in higher floors. Then, eighteen minutes after the first plane hit, a second Boeing 767 – United Airlines Flight 175 – appeared out of the sky, turned sharply toward the World Trade Center, and sliced into the south tower at about the sixtieth floor. The collision caused a massive explosion that showered burning debris over surrounding buildings and the streets below. As millions watched in horror the events unfolding in New York, American Airlines Flight 77 circled over downtown Washington and slammed into the west side of the Pentagon military headquarters at 9:45 a.m. Meanwhile, a fourth plane – United Flight 93 – was hijacked after leaving Newark International Airport. The Passengers fought the four hijackers, but despite their efforts the plane crashed in a rural field in western Pennsylvania. America was under attack.

Take a moment today and remember!
