Welcome to Senior Seminar
A letter from our Academic College Counselors, Ashley Bouwer and Celia Tucker…
Questions, answers, writers block, personal stories, remember activities from 9th, 10th, and 11th grade (and having to write them down in detail), realizing how important senior year is, realizing that GPA matters, learning that “optional” on a college application means “do it”, realizing that colleges have different requirements, different deadlines, and different policies, taking interest inventories and personality tests, college tuition sticker shock, learning that deadline means deadline, …
Welcome to Senior Seminar!
To me, Senior Seminar is like the huddle before each play on the football field. Seniors know the process—they have been preparing for years—they come together as a group to be reminded about the details—and then they break the huddle and execute.
This year in Senior Seminar we will take an in-depth look at the “College Application To Do List”, paying very close attention to the fact that the “To Do List” is a series of tasks that, when accomplished, can be checked off of the list with the mighty stroke of a pen or pencil providing an ever so brief moment of celebration before moving on to the next item on the list.
We will learn about scholarships and financial aid. Seniors will hear over and over that local scholarships can definitely add up and pay for those ever so necessary textbooks and more. Basically, seniors know that the words “scholarship” and “I will apply” need to always be said almost simultaneously. When said in unison they are guaranteed to make a parent smile. We know for a fact that students will never ever be awarded scholarships of any kind if they choose to not apply, so all together now—“scholarshipiwillapply”…$pell check is trying its’ be$t to tell me that I need to u$e the $pace bar with that long word…but I know better…
In Senior Seminar on “Choosing A Major Day” Brook Hill super senior men and women will fill the Bible classrooms. Because seniors at Brook Hill are totally Super Heroes in our eyes, we will focus on individual personalities and interests. Choosing a major that will lead to a job that will lead to a fulfilling career is what college is really all about and looking at resources to help make informed decisions is the best way to prepare. Seniors will have an opportunity to complete the “You Science” aptitude test in SCOIR, which will give them options as to what a perfect intended major might be for them.
Before we break the Senior Seminar huddle for the semester we will hear from financial literacy experts, experience a “Reality Fair” (yes, parents, we need volunteers for this day in early December), check and double check applications that students have been working on, hear about how to stay strong in the faith in college, give thanks, and celebrate success.
In the very near future Seniors 2021 will be checking the last item off of their “College Application To Do List”, breaking the huddle, and driving down the field for a touchdown.
It will be time to celebrate.
…and shed a few orange and blue tears…