Working Hard!

From the desk of Ginger Bell, Director of Family and Alumni Relations:

Michael Greening, ’13, came to Brook Hill from a local public school and really didn’t know what he was in for as far as the expectations he would find.  But, he stepped up quickly and got down to work.  He showed us the character we strive to develop in our students whether performing in the classroom, the arts, or on the athletic fields.  Nothing has changed much for Michael either.  He is attending TJC, working at Academy, running his own lawn care business (and he does a great job!), and helping others with odds jobs in an effort to raise enough money to transfer to Blinn next year.  After another year of work on his core courses, he then plans to transfer to A & M.  If hard work is the secret to his success, he will be mighty successful!

Michael Greening hard at work!

Michael Greening hard at work!