Meet our Academic Center for Excellence Coordinator: Jessica Mize


From the desk of Shawn Rhoads, Director of Residence Life:

In her six years at Brook Hill Mrs. Mize has been an effective math teacher as well as a winning basketball, softball and volleyball coach. And now Mrs. Mize heads up ACE, Brook Hill’s Academic Center for Excellence, one of her most effective and fulfilling roles at Brook Hill yet.


So what does Mrs. Mize do for your child? Quite a lot. Mrs. Mize and Mr. Scott Ryle (Academic Advocate featured in last week’s newsletter) work closely together monitoring student grades. Once Mrs. Mize identifies students who need academic support she immediately begins working on that student’s behalf.  Some of the assistance she offers takes the form of faculty/staff meetings with students so that teachers can communicate with the student to let them know what they can do to improve in their classes. They also let them know when they can meet with them outside of class. Mrs. Mize is always ready with tools and skills she offers students to help them get their lives organized and to help them better manage their time. She offers very helpful suggestions on how to establish healthy academic behaviors in a student’s life and even provides tutoring to students during their study halls. In addition to all of this Mrs. Mize also works closely with teachers and students on making up tests and projects that students may have missed due to absences. In short, Mrs. Mize is one of our students’ greatest fans, always in their corner ready to do whatever needs to be done to see them succeed.

Encourage your child to get to know Mrs. Mize and avail themselves of the many benefits they can derive from her robust academic support systems.