2017 TAPPS State Academic Championship Team
The following students have practiced and competed all year long in order to earn a place on the Brook Hill TAPPS Academic State Team. They competed against 23 sister schools in the TAPPS 5A Academic Championship in Waco, Texas April, 3-5, 2017. The Team did great! Congratulations!
Justin Powell: 10th LD Debate
Yiling Cao 6th Senior Portfolio: 5th Seek and Sketch
Bailey Gunter: 4th Social Studies
Alan Zhu: 5th Number Sense, 8th Science
The 2017 TAPPS State Academic Champion Team:
Speaking Events:
Chesley Kelley: LD Debate
Hannah Weber: Solo Acting
Ini Adeleye: Prose
Justin Powell: Prose, LD Debate and Duet Acting
Katherine Dulany: Poetry, Duet Acting
Academic Events:
Alan Zhu: Number Sense, Science, Advanced Mathematics
Alex Ellis: Social Studies
Anna Luker: Seek and Sketch
Bailey Gunter: Current Events, Social Studies
Chong Yu: Seek and Sketch
Drew Shaw, Current Events, Ready Writing
Emma Bynum: Mathematics
Jordan Day: Ready Writing
Kaylee Lambert: On Site Drawing
Lucas Chen: Number Sense, Advanced Math
Maggie Newman: Science
Makayla Willis: Seek and Sketch
Rachel Berkley: On Site Drawing
Stephanie Molina: Spanish
Diana Ramirez: Spanish
Xiao Chen: Mathematics
Yiling Cao: Calculator, Seek and Sketch, Senior Art Portfolio