Alumni Update: Ed Link Pursues Domestic Policies

Edwin Link

Edwin Link

From the desk of Ginger Bell, Director of Family and Alumni Relations:

Following graduation from Brook Hill in the spring of 2011, Edwin Link packed up and moved to Wenham, Massachusetts, just north of Boston, to attend Gordon College. Intending to study Business and Youth Ministry,  he began to realize he was being called to something different. However, he spent his freshman and sophomore years working at a local church, trying to develop the fledgling youth program while searching for God’s calling.  He interned at a Methodist church in Atlanta, Texas, the following summer and realized full-time ministry was not his calling.  He then began to focus on politics, switching his majors to Political Science and Sociology.  The next summer his internship was working with Todd Staples on his campaign for Lieutenant Governor of Texas.

During his Junior year at Gordon he became involved with the college’s Office of Community Engagement for a community development program in the city of Lynn.  It was through that program Edwin began to be drawn to domestic housing, education, and racial policy in regard to racial, economic, and cultural barriers close to home.  Having originally intended to study international policy issues, he had committed to an internship in Beijing, China

In Beijing he worked at Horizon Research Consultancy Group’s Global and Developmental Power think tank. Horizon is a major research firm in China, and similar to Gallop here in the states, and provides consulting and training for companies around the world wanting to operate in China, or Chinese companies wanting to operate abroad. From day one his duties ranged from researching different companies, editing English portions of surveys and other documents, contacting different companies and sending out surveys.  In addition, he was asked to prepare a presentation on socio-cultural differences he had observed between American and Chinese people.  His Humanities classes at Brook Hill really helped prepare him for that.

Edwin says his time in Beijing was critical in shaping his professional aspirations and personal development.  As awesome as that time abroad was, it actually helped solidify his interest in domestic policies.

Currently finishing up his senior year at Gordon College, Edwin is looking to work at a law firm for a year or two before he goes on to pursue a J.D. His time is now split between searching for jobs, his myriad positions at Gordon, and trying to soak up his last semester. We’re so proud of the young man Edwin is becoming!