Distance Learning Announcement (March 17)

Dear Brook Hill Families,
As we watch the news of the Coronavirus unfold around the world, and here at home in the United States, I wanted to take a minute to share our plan and my hope for us as the Brook Hill community.Please watch our video message here:

Here are two highlights from the video that will help you prepare for the weeks ahead:

  • We are moving to distance learning starting next week beginning on Monday, March 23rd through Friday, April 3rd.
    • Our staff is currently training and working on a plan to continue learning online for the coming weeks. You will receive detailed information soon.
    • We will continue with distance learning on a week-to-week basis as long as necessary. Right now it looks as if this is going to be an on-going reality. We will keep you updated on our future plans.
    • In order to be successful, your students will need internet connectivity with access to a web browser and a home computer, tablet, or smart phone with a camera.

If you have specific questions, please contact me – or feel free to contact your principals, Michelle Rozell ([email protected]) or Kris Shustella ([email protected]) or Residence Life Director, Shawn Rhoads ([email protected]).

I am looking forward to the day where we are all together again. May God bless you, your family, and The Brook Hill School.


Rod Fletcher
Head of School


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