Distance Learning Plan (March 19)

Dear Brook Hill Family,

This week I have been blown away by the response of our teachers, staff, and families as we navigate the COVID-19 pandemic together. It is with pride and excitement that I get to share our distance learning educational plan with you.

Our staff has worked tirelessly this past week to build a platform that allows for minimal disruption to your child’s education while still delivering the high standard of instruction and relational teaching that we value at Brook Hill.

Our Director of Educational Technology and Innovation, Ashley Swinney, has done an excellent job of creating an online environment where our faculty can continue teaching and connecting with their students.

A link to the distance learning information page will be live on our website this Friday at 5pm.

Some teachers will still be filling in their content and updating through the weekend, but you can begin to familiarize yourself with the contents, including important links, apps, daily schedules, and activities.

Mrs. Swinney has put together a short webinar tutorial for you so that each family has time to explore our platforms and processes. Please take a few minutes to watch this video and download the required apps before classes begin on Monday, March 23rd.

Links to the webinar and needed apps as well as information about tech support can be found at the bottom of this email.

We’re watching schools all across the country do their best to provide education for their students. For many schools, education during this season will look like a list of digital resources and sites for online learning.

Our distance learning program is different. It is still a Brook Hill education, simply provided through a new medium. It’s not a list of links and suggestions with best wishes to our parents. It’s an opportunity for our teachers to continue teaching, to continue building relationships with their students, and to continue developing their potential.

During this season, our goal remains the same: to continue offering a comprehensive, quality, Christ-centered, college preparatory education that is true to Brook Hill. I for one am excited about this opportunity to show our students what innovation and resiliency look like firsthand.

This is uncharted territory for us all, but we are committed to making decisions that are best for our students and families. We understand that you are experiencing this for the first time, and as such, we will extend grace and patience as we learn new systems and build new rhythms together. We are here for you and are grateful for the opportunity to partner with you now more than ever.

As always, please reach out to me or your principals, Michelle Rozell or Kris Shustella, if you have any questions.


Rod Fletcher
Head of School
The Brook Hill School



Webinar: Brook Hill’s Distance Learning Website


CLICK HERE to download the Zoom Cloud Meeting app (or HERE for google devices)

CLICK HERE to access Zoom from a computer

Parents, you can create a free account


SEESAWImage preview

CLICK HERE to download the Seesaw: The Learning Journal app (not the Family app) (or HERE for google devices)

CLICK HERE to access Seesaw from a computer

Teachers will be sending out the codes for your students to join



Webinar: Brook Hill’s Distance Learning Website (Watch until 1:04 then skip to 8:52 to go straight to the section on Middle & Upper School)



CLICK HERE to download the Zoom Cloud Meeting app (or HERE for google devices)

CLICK HERE to access Zoom from a computer

Parents and students, you can create a free account



CLICK HERE to access the Canvas app (or HERE for google devices)

CLICK HERE to access Canvas from a computer


What are the most important factors to consider when choosing a school for your family? Download our free guide here.

You will be re-directed to our guide. You can also access here: https://www.brookhill.org/value-of-private-christian-education/