Now Boarding: Gone Before You Know It

From the desk of Shawn Rhoads, Director of Residential Life:

If your life is anything like mine you are running for extended periods of time at very high RPMs.  It seems like it’s been like that since returning from Spring Break.  We all have the finish line in sight and live with the admixture of stress and anticipation perpetually until school is out.

Something I have noticed that happens at this time of year is I turn around on the day after graduation and realize, “They’re gone!” That is followed by a flash of panic and regret.  I’m referring to the boarding seniors.  While our East Texas graduates may have the opportunity to come by and say their final good-byes the weeks following graduation, our boarding students get on planes the next day and head home.  It’s easy to forget that and then find yourself wishing you had made the time to tell them what they mean to you.  Maybe you have had that experience as well.  I just wanted to send this out while there is still time and encourage you to take time to say good-bye to this year’s boarding seniors before they board their flights.

This year’s boarding graduates are: Danielle Adams, Tito Babatunde, Eddy Briggs, Favour Diokpo, Grace Falken,  Junbo Li,  Xiqing Lu, Erica Luong, Ben Nguyen, Janet Nwachukwu, Bridget Nwodo, Reigneth Oguni, Elim Oluwole, Tiffany Pu, Mariah Rogers, Alberto Romero-Elias, Ebuka Uzoma, Alyse Whitcomb, Cowboy Xie
