Prepared for Life, Not Just College


From the desk of Shawn Rhoads, Director of Residential Life:

There is no doubt that Brook Hill comes through for its students and families on its promise to prepare our student body for college.  With all the built in college visits, high standardized test scores, college acceptances and scholarships there can be no room for doubt that we are fulfilling our mission in this academic arena.  But aren’t you glad it doesn’t just stop there?  Yes, your children are prepared for the next four to eight academic years that may follow high school graduation, but a Brook Hill education far surpasses just the next four years.

Your sons and daughters are being taught many other valuable lessons, like how to think critically, how to make good moral decisions and how to be men and women with godly character.  Through service projects and required community service hours they learn the valuable lessons of serving their fellow man.  Through athletics they don’t just learn what it takes to be a member of a winning team, but also what it means to persevere through difficulty and to stick with your commitments for the sake of others when you feel like giving up.  During SPARC week they may learn a life-long skill or receive training on how to live life to the fullest.  And most importantly, students are taught to live in the fear and nurture of the Lord, knowing they will one day give an account for their life to the great High King.

So, the next time you are asked, “Is your child being prepared for college at Brook Hill?”, you can respond unequivocally, “Absolutely!”  But don’t stop there.  Go on to tell about how your son or daughter is also being prepared for life beyond college and the life to come.   Brook Hill ~ College Prep – Career Prep – Kingdom Prep