The Guard Charge
From the desk of Rod Fletcher, Headmaster:
Since the time my own boys were very little I have blessed them each night before they went to bed. I always end my blessing with “Live Pure, Speak True, Right Wrong, Serve Others, Follow the King.” This year at Brook Hill we have adopted that blessing as the “Guard Charge.” This charge is posted in the school hallways, has been sent home in the lower school Thursday folders, has been placed in each middle and upper school student locker, is recited as a student body at chapel each week, is addressed regularly by the speakers in chapel, is discussed by teachers in class, and will be a focus of the senior trip next week.
I recently heard leadership expert, John Maxwell say, “people grow into the conversations around them.” I bless my own children each night hoping that they grow into that blessing. My hope and prayer for the Brook Hill students is that they will grow into the words of the “Guard Charge.”