Our Junior class headed to Austin, College Station and Waco this semester
From the desk of Celia Tucker, College Counselor:
Well, the Lord did it again. He sent us on a college trip to Austin, College Station, and Waco, which should have totally exhausted us but the opposite happened–we came back inspired, excited, and full of energy. How in the world does that happen? The excursion included great presentations, valuable information, answers to questions, validated whether or not we wanted to apply or did not want to apply to certain colleges, relationship building, nap time on the bus, snack time on the bus, conversation time on the bus (we spent lots of time on the bus), a conversation with Senator Bryan Hughes (who is unbelievably awesome), tours of the Capitol, Texas A & M University, The University of Texas, and Baylor, play time at the Main Event–the largest one in Texas, and more. We started the trip making sure that these wonderful juniors knew exactly who their Counselor is. With decisions to make about college in their very near future we told them that it is imperative that they know who their Counselor is. Mrs. Bouwer and I are honored to stand beside and support these Seniors of 2019 as they complete applications and submit documentation but their true Counselor, the Holy Spirit, lives in each and every one of them. When they ask Jesus to live in their hearts-BAM-the power of the Holy Spirit comes alive. Isn’t this the best news ever? Twenty four hours a day the power of the Holy Spirit is available to lead, guide, and direct, every thought, word, and deed. As it said in my devotional the very day after we had talked about this exact topic on the bus, “When God’s plans are honored and followed, God will help see them through to completion. If our plans truly reside within God’s will, God will surely establish them and give us the strength to complete them.” And wouldn’t you know it–the devotional Prayer Focus for the day was: “For God’s Daily Guidance”. God’s timing should not continue to surprise me.