A New Year with New Opportunities
HEADlines – A message from the Head of School, Rod Fletcher
As I enter my 16th year as Head of School at Brook Hill I am as excited as I have ever been about an upcoming year. As we launch into Brook Hill’s 23rd year we have been working hard to provide our students with an incredible experience and have added many new people, programs, and opportunities. Here is a list of some of them:
- 24 New faculty and staff
- 150 New students
- A memorial walkway honoring servicemen/women who died serving their country in each military event since Vietnam.
- New Lower School Principal (Kris Shustella)
- New Middle School Assistant Principal and Director of Diversity
- New Lower School Assistant Principal (Meri Mullicane)
- Additional Middle and Upper School tutorials before and after school through the ACE Program
- New Lower School Spanish Teacher (Ruth Pittman)
- Enhanced Lower School curricular resources in literacy (Fountas and Pinnell) and math (Big Ideas Learning)
- Shawn Rhoads will serve as PreK – 12 Director of Ministry
- Additional campus security measures:
- Went from 41 cameras on campus at this time last year to 119 today
- 3 New license plate readers
- 2 new TV monitor stations
- Bolo Stick Door Barricades installed at the Lower School
- Expanded Middle and Upper School Girls Discipleship Opportunities (Abbi Thomsen)
- Added Four TruTouch interactive digital whiteboards
- Added 6 laptop carts.
- Expanded WiFi coverage in the Boarding Houses.
- Upgraded computers in the Middle School Computer Lab.
- Replaced projectors with TVs and wireless projection in Founder’s Hall Classrooms.
- Launched and configured Canvas learning management system for Middle and Upper School
- New Lower School Innovation Lab coming soon
- New Director of Educational Technology and Innovation (Ashley Swinney)
- New Spirit Store (The Guard Shop)
- New Business Lab for experiential learning in the Business Program
- New Director of Campus Life (Jereme Hubbard)
- Additional academic intervention in the Middle and Upper School (Carol Engelhardt)
- New Director of Academics (Pollianne Smith)
- Enhanced Lower School LEAP Program (Merri Mullicane and Gayla McKnight – full-time)
- New Courses in the Upper School:
- AP Psychology
- Philosophy
- Music Appreciation
- Fabrication Technology
- Algebraic Expressions
- New Courses in the Middle School
- Coding
- Robotics
- New Lower School clubs
- A new baseball field coming soon
- New Upper School Library, Student Center, and Innovation Center
So, as you can see, Brook Hill continues to grow, improve and expand. Each year we look for ways to better impact students through our mission of “providing excellence in college preparatory education, affirming the gifts and challenging the potential of each student, and encouraging students to honor God through Christ-like character.” The 2019-2020 school year is no exception!