Make Your Own Satire – 11th Humanities
At the conclusion of a unit on the eighteenth-century satires of Jonathan Swift and Voltaire, the junior Humanities students produced their own satires in the form of videos or essays. At the end of the unit, the most effective satires were awarded Olympic medals.
Winning the gold in B/C block were Haleigh Smith and Lindsay Wheeler for their infomercial on a product no-one should be without – a better can opener. The silver medal went to Matthew Kimball and Chase McDermott for a spoof on Thor; the bronze went to Gabe Lucio, Grant Hanks, and Malik Alley for a satire of a scary movie.
In D/E block, Morgan Magourik and Phillip Kitt brought home the gold for a Soap Rap; Pasha Zapolsky won silver for an expose of Americans’ bad eating and exercise habits; and Nate Li and Louie Lou won the bronze for Chindide, a satire in which a Chinese traveler experiences America for the first time.
In F/G block, Christine Lu won the gold for an introductory course for the SAT (College Bored’s Stupid Absurdity Test); Anna Lee won silver for her Guide to What to do in Tyler; and Ben Nguyen and Kyle Regester won bronze for an analysis of video game addiction.
The satires were highly entertaining, and the students had a great time creating and sharing them. Congratulations to all the Olympic medal winners and all the other students who worked so hard on the project! Good work, everyone!