Poised for further impact
From the desk of Shawn Rhoads, Director of Residence Life:
You will soon begin seeing trucks loaded with dirt, flat beds loaded with lumber and lots of hard hats. You guessed it – It’s time to build again! Construction for two new boarding houses is under way. With an architectural style matching the rest of the campus, these beautifully designed houses will allow us to enroll an additional 32 students, 16 boys and 16 girls, and will round out the Village at Brook Hill, creating an enclosed lawn that offers a mini-park like feel.
If you have attended the Parade of Nations or International Night, you already know that Brook Hill has enjoyed tremendous diversity among its student body, far more than many if not most other boarding schools in the country, by God’s grace. This expansion does not only open up more beds for international students, but also for our ever increasing number of domestic boarding students as well. Maybe you have also gotten wind of or even personally experienced for yourself all the events and activities that have been planned for and enjoyed by both day and boarding students in recent months (like International Night, line dance lessons and 5th Quarter Breakfast), with more yet to come.
The start of construction has especially been exciting news among our current boarding students as they anticipate facilities that will enhance and enrich their already high quality of life as well as expand their community of residents. Once again, we see glimpses of the Kingdom as students from all tongues, tribes and nations, including our very own nation, come together to live in one village, the Village at Brook Hill.
As always, if you have interest in or questions about how our boarding program functions or any other aspect of Res Life, feel free to contact me.