Required Conferences at the Brook Hill Lower School
From the desk of Sandra Fritcher, Lower School Principal:
Next Thursday and Friday, October 19-20, are scheduled conference days at the Lower School. Students will not come to school these days. Instead, moms and dads will come to the Lower School to meet with the teachers. These conferences provide the parents with useful information about the adjustment and progress their child has made during the first quarter of this school year. In addition, parents need to share information with their child’s teacher so the teacher can plan a learning program that will best meet the needs of the child.
What will your child’s teacher discuss with you? Your teacher will discuss strengths and/or weaknesses your child has in all subject areas. While reading and math are certainly priority skills, all subject areas are important and will be mentioned. There might be suggestions about how you can help reinforce school when your child is at home. Yes, this includes homework. Your teacher will probably discuss the social skills your child exhibits and the age-appropriateness of those skills. Behavior in and out of the classroom might also be discussed.
There are some things you, as a parent, might want to tell your teacher. For example, share the school activities your child talks about at home. Let the teacher know what responsibilities your child handles at home. Inform the teacher how you discipline your child at home. The teacher also needs to know if anything has happened lately that might affect your child’s performance at school.
Remember, your child’s teacher wants to provide the best learning environment for your child. If we all work together, each and every child will have a good and successful year at the Lower School. Our teachers welcome communicating with our parents. See you next week for your conference!