SPARC: At Home
Below are immediate responses and recaps from some of our SPARC leaders. Stay tuned for a recap on the rest of the trips when we all get back from Spring Break.
Box Gardening/ How Things Are Made –
Everyone had a very good time and learning experience. Whether we were learning how to make candy or baskets or screen printing their own shirt, we really enjoyed learning about making things. We really enjoyed the hands on experience of gardening from a biblical world view as the kids truly enjoyed this hands on experience.
Service Project –
This course of both middle and upper school started with going to the Boys and Girls Club to assist with cleaning out closets and help with sorting equipment. Following their service at the Boys and Grils Club, our students went to TJ Austin Elementary where they worked in small groups tutoring elementary students in math. Next this group went to the Jesus Closet charity store where they sorrted shoes, coats, and clothing for their staff to deliver to homeless people in this area. Next, the group went to East Texas food bank to box rice and build care packages containing food for after school programs at various elementary schools. Next the group went to Pine Cove and moved tables from one camp to another as well as helped the staff clean up around the camp. They were able to hike up to the lookout in order to pick up trash and hauled off broken games. Next, the group traveled to the Hamptons retirement community to visit with residents. Several students helped residents of the memory care unit plant seeds while others did aerobics with residents. The group finished up on Friday with service projects on campus.
Introduction to Shooting Sports –
In this course, our students learned important basics to shooting sports. They learned the elements of guns and bows, how to care for them, their parts, and how to use them specifically for sporting events. Students were taught awareness and safety as a top priority. Last, they were able to explore the outdoor sport of fishing.
Life Hacks and Skills –
This course exposed our students to skills such as changing the oil in a car, and detailing vehicles inside and out. Our students also learned the value in taking care of our possessions. Also, these students learned basic carpentry as demonstrated by their building of a fence.
Understanding and Creating Comics/Best Films –
This course explored how comics work as an art-form. We looked at the various creative elements that go into making a movie…from the sound, to the costumes, to the set design, and stunts. We exposed students to comics for the first time which was a very rewarding experience.