JodiLyn Vance
JodiLyn Vance’s home state is Montana, but she and her family live in Bullard, where they feel blessed to call home. Her husband (Shelby) is a second-grade teacher at Bullard I.S.D. They have two daughters; their oldest daughter and her husband live in Northern California, and their youngest daughter and her husband live in Bullard.
JodiLyn has worked as an educator since 1994. She served as an English Instructor and Personalized Learning Teacher for several years. Predominately she has served as an Education Specialist and a Response to Intervention Specialist. Initially, her teaching experience began in the junior high and high school setting and within the specialty of Language Arts. It did not take her long to recognize that her most significant interest was working with diverse learners; this is her passion, and she feels honored to continue that passion at The Brook Hill School! JodiLyn is thankful to serve as the Associate Director of A.C.E.-Intensive Support and the Middle School A.C.E. Coordinator.
Credentials that she holds include a Single Subject English/Language Arts Professional Clear Credential, Specialist Instruction Credential in Special Education (mild-mod, mod-severe, Autism Specialist, Dyslexia) – Professional Clear, Resource Specialist Credential – Professional Clear, CLAD Credential, Neuhaus Dyslexia Specialist (yr.1), as well as a program trainer of The Nurtured Heart Approach.
Her specialized skills include; sensory dysfunction and integration, SEIS training, Handwriting without Tears certificated, Soundabet certificated, DIBBLES CBM, AIMSweb C.B.M., positive behavior intervention certificated, Step Up To Writing, Common Core/Special Ed. Trained, How Does Your Engine Run, neurology and the learning brain, Neuhaus Dyslexia Specialist, Love and Logic, IEP/ARD/504/S.S.T. Facilitator, developer of RtI Tiered Models of Instruction in previous public and public charter schools, The Nurtured Heart Approach training/certificate, Teacher Mentor/Cooperating Teacher for C.A. State University Chico – Special Education Program, Nurtured Heart Approach Certified Trainer.