Where are they now?

From the desk of Ginger Bell, Director of Family and Alumni Relations:

Garry and Nicodemus Christopher were the first of four Christopher children to graduate from The Brook Hill School.  They crossed the stage at graduation in 2003 and both went on to pursue college degrees from Baylor University.  Only 11 months separates the young men and they grew up competing with each other for everything, stretching each other to reach for their best at whatever was set before them. 

That tradition of competition has taken an interesting turn this year.  Garry Christopher was hired as the Vanderbilt men’s basketball strength and conditioning coach.  Nicodemus was already on board at Tennessee in the same position after moving over from Purdue!  Talk about taking that competitive spirit to the next level!  Now, both Christopher’s have support from their squads as they battle for supremacy on the court for their respective universities.  And, on February 5, 2014, their squads will take the court against each other.  Now, that will be a game to watch!

christopher brothers