

Juniors visit Aggieland

September 03, 2013

Our juniors visited Texas A&M University on Tuesday for the first stop on our college tour. We were able to eat with our alumni on campus at Sbisa and get introduced to aggieland’s rich traditions on a school tour. Our students were also able to get a first hand look at the application process and […]

Guard Cheerleaders in Action

September 03, 2013

BH Senior Cheerleader Brittany Nejame gets the ” ALL ORANGE” fired up during Thursday night’s opening game win over Frankston

Brook Hill Cheer Rally Sparks Win

September 03, 2013

BH Varsity Cheerleaders Ivy Suddeth, Shelby Franklin, and Kay Kay Smith get the student body pumped up at Thursdays Spirit Rally

Lower School Library

August 31, 2013

Third Grade Students visited the Brook Hill Lower School Library and made discoveries about the library by completing an “I Spy” game scavenger hunt!

Senior Trip This Week

August 31, 2013

Our seniors left for their annual senior class trip on Saturday. The trip will include visiting a Pueblo, the Rio Grande Gorge, white water rafting, and hiking. Some students plan to hike to the top of Wheeler’s peak, which at over 13,000 feet elevation, is the highest point in New Mexico.

Museum In A Minute

August 30, 2013

Lisa Haynie’s 8th Grade Humnaities class participated today in our new Museum in a Minute tour, where they were given an introduction to the United States first and only “Family Fued”, the War Between the States.

Will they earn their boots?

August 30, 2013

Mrs. Bunn’s 7th Grade Humanities classes visited the Museum this week for an introduction to Texas History. Check back in May to see if they have earned the right to their citizenship and boots!

Mrs. Haugh’s class Visits Bullard Fire Department

August 30, 2013

Mrs Haugh’s Kindergarten students learned about fire safety and how to crawl through the smoke house when the Bullard Fire Department visited Brook Hill Lower School. Entering the Smoke House