

6th Grade Greek Day

September 27, 2013

Today our 6th graders learned about Greek culture through a variety of activities. First they competed in Olympic Games, then they performed Ancient Greek plays and crafted their own pottery. Below, you will see Mrs. Eden’s and Mr. Roquemore’s classes competing and Mr. Roquemore demonstrating how to make a pinch pottery in class! What a […]

Cell Lab and Project

September 27, 2013

David Collins seventh grade had an incredible science project and lab this week! The project and lab compared cheek cells (animal cell) and plant cells (onion skin) under the microscope. Our students were able to see these cells close up and observe their differences and similarities while having a fun, colorful project at the same […]

Colleges Visit Brook Hill

September 24, 2013

Belhaven College, Mississippi State University, Dallas Baptist University, California Baptist University, Southeastern University, Point Loma Nazarene, Calvin College, and Wheaton College were part of  a panel discussion in Senior Seminar. The representatives shared personal stories with seniors about God’s guidance in their lives and how they got to where they are today. They also answered […]

What’s New at the Lower School?

September 20, 2013

Lower School News From the desk of Sandra Fritcher, Principal We added ten tremendous people to the Lower School staff this year:  PK, K, 1st, 3rd, 5th, Music, Library, P.E., and two instructional aides.  Our instructional program is greatly enhanced because of these additions. Our P.E. program is greater than it has ever been.  Brock […]

It’s College Fair Season

September 20, 2013

From the desk of Celia Tucker, Academic Counselor: With the Christian College Fair on September 24th at Grace Community High School and the East Texas Area College Fair on October 29th at Tyler Junior College I have to say that we are the luckiest people around. Hundreds of college professionals from all over the United […]

5 Tips to Thrive in Middle School

September 20, 2013

From the desk of Tammy Hayes, Middle School Principal: Meet Jack. He is the newest addition to the Hayes’ household.  His arrival has been more than an adjustment for all of us, namely Me!  I came home 6 weeks ago to find my family hovering over a little innocent-looking Great Dane! That’s right, a pack […]

Young Scientists at Work

September 19, 2013

  In 4th grade science, the students observed different soils to learn about soil profiles and then they tested the sediment rate in a graduated cylinder filled with water. 

1st Grade Classroom Library

September 18, 2013

Mrs. Dahn’s first grade class celebrated their love of learning to read by opening up a classroom library.  The students each brought a favorite stuffed animal to school to read with. “We also had some math fun with our animals as we measured their length (really fun since Landon brought a snake), circumference, and weight.  […]

Meet Mrs. Tucker, College Guidance Counselor

September 18, 2013

From the desk of Brian Nelson, Academic Dean: As many of you know academics and college guidance are my passions.  I believe they are what God has created me to do.  I also believe that God has called me to serve at Brook Hill, and this school provides me with an amazing academic and college […]

Community Helpers Visit Kindergarten

September 17, 2013

Emergency personnel from ETMC, police officers, and Dr. Freimer recently paid special visits to Brook Hill Kindergarten students. Our Kindergarten students learned how community helpers keep them healthy and safe!

PreK Studies Octopus

September 12, 2013

Thursday our PreK classes studied their 5 senses as they observed an Octopus! Our students drew pictures of the Octopus and came up with some very funny answers to a questionnaire about our 5 senses. Our bravest students even tasted “Octopus” (Calamari)!