American Freedom Museum


US History Class Visits Museum

January 09, 2014

The U.S. History class recently toured the War Between the States section of the American Freedom Museum as the conclusion of our study of this chapter in our history.  Special emphasis was placed upon the role of the Virginia Military Institute Cadets as they became the only school in our history to send their entire […]

It’s in the Genes: Integrating History and Science in the Classroom

January 09, 2014

On Thursday, 7th grade students took a trip to the American Freedom Museum for science class. In an effort to integrate history, science, and project-based learning, students used the Presidents and first ladies to learn how genes from a father and mother determine a child’s appearance. Students noted relatives in the presidency as well as […]

Remembering JFK

November 21, 2013

From the desk of Jan Hommel, American Freedom Museum Director: John F. Kennedy 35th President of the United States January 20, 1961 – November 22, 1963 “With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing […]

Guess the President

November 13, 2013

I was the first president to speak on television. I was the first president to have a presidential aircraft. I was the first president whose mother was allowed to vote for him. I was the first president to be elected for 4 terms. I was in office longer than any other president. I was the […]

Veterans Chapel

November 13, 2013

Today at chapel we honored those brave men and women who fought to preserve our freedom. The celebration of freedom included the story of a local veteran from WWII, a salute from the Cannon Guard, and a tour of the American Freedom Museum. It was a wonderful opportunity to remind our students of the sacrifice countless […]

History + Math = Fun!

October 22, 2013

Mr. Wayne Mahaffey’s Algebra 1 classes visited the American Freedom Museum today. Their objective? To discover the many options to create a real-life math problem in part to think mathmatically and in part to have a better understanding of our history! Students were assigned the task of creating three mathmatical problems from three different parts […]

Wounded Warriors Visit Brook Hill

September 27, 2013

Our students lined the drive at The Brook Hill School this afternoon to receive soldiers who have fought to protect our freedoms. We waved flags, cheered, heard from a soldier who had been wounded in battle, and prayed for our nation. It was a unique opportunity to honor our veterans, teach our students about the […]

What is a Teaching Museum?

September 20, 2013

From the Desk of Jan Hommel, Director of the American Freedom Museum. Over the past 12 months, the American Freedom Museum’s focus and programming has moved us in the direction of being defined and shaped as a “Teaching Museum”. You might wonder, what is a “Teaching Museum”? A “Teaching Museum” is a museum that aligns […]

Museum Mathematics

September 09, 2013

Which of the following does not belong: Peanut Butter and Jelly; Fall and Football; Milk and Cookies; Freedom Museum and Math? The last…or so you might think. On Friday Mrs. Mize’s math classes took a trip out of the traditional math classroom and into history to learn how math does not just apply to their […]

Museum In A Minute

August 30, 2013

Lisa Haynie’s 8th Grade Humnaities class participated today in our new Museum in a Minute tour, where they were given an introduction to the United States first and only “Family Fued”, the War Between the States.

Will they earn their boots?

August 30, 2013

Mrs. Bunn’s 7th Grade Humanities classes visited the Museum this week for an introduction to Texas History. Check back in May to see if they have earned the right to their citizenship and boots!