Middle School


Letters to Firefighters

September 11, 2013

Mrs. Eden’s 6th grade Humanities class wrote letters to local heroes like our Bullard Firemen thanking them for their service to the local community. This exercise came about as Mrs. Eden’s class discussed the tragedy our nation experienced on 9/11, including courage shown by policemen, firemen, and other volunteers who sacrificed their lives in the […]

Museum Mathematics

September 09, 2013

Which of the following does not belong: Peanut Butter and Jelly; Fall and Football; Milk and Cookies; Freedom Museum and Math? The last…or so you might think. On Friday Mrs. Mize’s math classes took a trip out of the traditional math classroom and into history to learn how math does not just apply to their […]

6th Grade Inferring Lab

September 09, 2013

Our 6th graders conducted an inferring lab in Mrs. Wallace’s science class. They observed and interacted with four different liquids to infer what each liquid was.

Museum In A Minute

August 30, 2013

Lisa Haynie’s 8th Grade Humnaities class participated today in our new Museum in a Minute tour, where they were given an introduction to the United States first and only “Family Fued”, the War Between the States.

Will they earn their boots?

August 30, 2013

Mrs. Bunn’s 7th Grade Humanities classes visited the Museum this week for an introduction to Texas History. Check back in May to see if they have earned the right to their citizenship and boots!


August 30, 2013

Students from the Brook Hill Middle School celebrate Thursday nights Varsity Footballs win over Frankston by posing with Coach Dawkins “Grandog” Charlie at The Rock on Friday morning

BH Classic Pep Rally

August 29, 2013

We held our first pep rally of the season this afternoon as our entire middle/upper school marched to the rock. Our Football team, Cheerleaders, and Cadettes heard from Mr. Fletcher about standing strong in Christ, and every class cheered for the new season. The Drum Line lead us to the rock in step, our football […]